drying cyanotype prints

Busy is happy!

There is an old saying in the Navy that a busy crew is a happy crew. Seems true to me that the way to be happy and creative is to be action oriented. The more over thinking the less you actually get done. Opportunities come and go and often the window to accomplish something is very small.

Yesterday I had an exhausting day job day. When I got home I wanted nothing more than to chill out and relax. But then I remembered a few cyanotype experiments I wanted to do. But the studio was cold and it would take a couple of hours to get the fire going. And it was getting dark so I could not use the sun to print. And my work space was set up for salt prints… and on and on…

So I just decided to put on a jacket, set up my sun lamp and just do one experiment. Just a few minutes later I had an exposure going. So I decided to clean up my office while I waited for the exposure to finish. Before I knew it the print was done and turned out really cool. Soooo… why not do another and change up the recipe. That one was soon done so I did another and another.

Suddenly I had four interesting prints drying in my bathroom – two of them really nice! The lesson is – be action oriented! Get something done! When you have to shoot, shoot! Don’t stand there talking!

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