Waterfall adventure tintype portraits featuring the lovely AM Model. Life is an adventure and all too short. So why not have as many fun adventures as you can. Here are a few 8×10 tintypes from our session at a waterfall north of Green Bay, Wisconsin.

Our first plate (an 8x10in) turned out almost exactly as planned. It was very dark in the little gorge of the waterfall so we had to use a almost 20 seconds of exposure time. That is a long time to hold still, especially with the wind and damp coming from the falling water. But AM Model managed to stop shivering for the exposure and just nailed it!

tintype portrait of a model in front of a waterfall

Our next plate was a variation on the theme of the first plate. Again, a very long exposure resulted in a dreamy photograph.

model in front of a waterfall - tintype

Our last plate was a close up portrait in front of the falls. The light dropped so we ended up with an even longer exposure time and some movement. But, I think the blur just adds to the atmosphere of the plate. It certainly will be a reminder of the cold and wet session in years to come!

model in front of a waterfall - tintype

We had a few minutes at the end of the session (when my legs were too tired for the steps back and forth to the darkroom) and did some digital pictures. Different mood and vibe from the wet plate collodion… still beautiful! You can see the full digital set on my other site: www.jalanlee.com

Finally, a behind the scenes (BTS) photo from our last plate. Your humble Alchemist is stylin’ it in his rubber boots!

BTS of a Tintype photographer and a model

Intrigued? Let’s chat about making some Tintype Portraits together – Click for My Contact Page

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