Lighthouse – Salt Print

Lighthouse – Salt Print

It is Fall and getting ready for Winter is top priority. Our first snow has melted with the warmer weather the past week. So I have been getting my outdoor work done including Christmas lights, putting away the Summer furniture and general housekeeping around the scrap metal pile! But that didn't stop me from catching up with some salt printing. This image is from a trip to Door County, Wisconsin. It was a perfect picture day - cloudy with enough breeze to make waves on Lake Michigan. Also a bit chilly which doesn't impact the photography process but helps to…

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Bridal Veil Falls – Cyanotype
Bridal Veil Falls - Cyanotype

Bridal Veil Falls – Cyanotype

A cyanotype of Bridal Veil Falls. The falls are in Oregon in the Columbia River Valley. One of a series of waterfalls Just East of Portland. This is a highly stylized rendition of the falls made with the New Cyanotype process to give very deep and dark (almost black) cobalt tones. The original is a black and white film negative which I digitized and produced a larger negative for contact printing in sunlight. Here is a closeup showing the details in the waterfall. This is a 9in x 12in print on archival paper and is available for purchase on my…

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Blue Fire

Blue Fire

One of the challenges of alternate photography printing is knowing what subjects will make great images. Cyanotypes can be especially difficult as there is no that I know of to simulate the final tones of the image. Blue Fire is a perfect example of this. I made this image just to test out my new printing frame and ended up loving it! The flames in a wispy blue color are a perfect contrast to the darker background. This image is for sale in my Etsy Shop. Is is 9in x 12in and printed on 140lb archival water color paper. Like…

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Oak Trees in Winter

A cyanotype of oak trees in Winter. This image was originally caught on film - medium format black and white film. I printed it in 8x10 format using the cyanotype process. Cyanotypes are made by exposing iron salts to sunlight. Cyanotypes are known for their brilliant cobalt blue color. Although cyanotypes can be "toned" many colors using a variety of dyes (my favorite is coffee). These prints are archival and actually will become deeper in color if exposed to sunlight. This print is for sale, click Prints For Sale to purchase! Back to my Blog

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Metal Art Collodion

A collodion wet plate image. This is a tintype and is produced on black aluminum plate. This 6in x 6in image is of a piece of metal art produced by Not What It Was. Tintypes are one of a kind images produced by an historic process. Wet plate collodion dates back to the mid 1800's and was the first widely used photography method. The best known examples are from the American Civil war. Wet plate gave way to dry plate and then modern film photography. All of these methods have the same basic chemistry. Silver salts react with sunlight to…

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