As I watch the March snow coming down I think about all the wonderful Victorian photography projects I plan for this season. But there is a part of me that also wonders why bother? I am at the age where I could do about anything with my time (working for money is not necessary anymore). So why go to all the work and expense to keep doing projects?
But then I come across the following thought from Andrew Claven:
There is no grander product of the human soul than art. It is the spirit of creation moving in mankind. Fractals, as you say. The pattern of God in the pattern of mind. The pattern of the Trinity in metaphor, which becomes language, story; art.
Andrew Claven
Why go to all the trouble to create Victorian Art? Because art is “the spirit of creation moving in mankind”. God created the world; God created me. My creative action, no matter how small, is a reflection of the magnificence of my Creator!
So then creation is not work but rather a privilege – we create because we must! And every small creation that I make is a part of God’s total creation. The whole pattern is duplicated at smaller and smaller levels – a fractal!
“Poppie” is an Orotone (or Orotype if you prefer). This 8×10 photograph is from a 35mm film negative, hand printed on glass in pure silver. Then the silver is coated with gold and finally backed by another layer of gold color. So much work for a single image but so beautiful to see in person!